Violet Wild: Chemainus BC Mural


Violet Wild: Chemainus BC Mural

Violet Wild Cannabis Co envisioned this mural as an unique alternate take on the town of Chemainus, BC. Painted in a comic book style with black outlines, this mural depicts an imaginary fish eye view of Willow street in downtown Chemainus. Vivid colour from a puff of smoke brightens the street from a grey background.

This dreamy painting uses 5 vanishing points on it's horizon for curvilinear, or fish-eye, perspective. This mural bends 90 degrees to fit a corner of Violet Wild so there is even more of an illusion of depth as patrons as they interact with the painting.

Project Type

Narrative Murals

Building Name

Violet Wild

Street Address

9750 Chemainus Rd #1





Violet Wild: Finished Chemainus BC Mural

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I am available for freelance. Can't wait for the next exciting project! Could be yours?