Windows Into Sherwood Park: Strathma Mural


Windows Into Sherwood Park: Strathma Mural

Surreal and playful, this mural shows a window looking into Sherwood Park, AB starting in the 1950's. From the outlined window we look into is a literal and metaphorical window into the past and inside the Strathcona County Museum and Archives.

Viewers are welcomed into the artwork by looking down a street lined with 1950's show homes. On the right side of the street is Sherwood Park's first fire hall. The Beaver Hills Biosphere weaves out of the fire hall windows, playfully bending space and time as a surrealism artwork. The Alberta sunset is reflected in the marsh water and shown through the fire hall window and the shutter window in the foreground. The Cooking Lake sunset sets on top of the Sherwood Park street, which makes two horizon lines and suggests the natural history past is still of primary importance.

Project Type

Cultural Murals

Building Name

Strathcona County Museum and Archives

Street Address

913 Ash St, Sherwood PArk AB T8A 2G3



Blue, Red, Magenta


Dibond Panels




Acrylic Painting, Linear Perspective, Surrealism


Windows Into Sherwood Park: Finished Mural

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I am available for freelance. Can't wait for the next exciting project! Could be yours?