This collection of wildlife paintings spans a couple genres, continents where I painted, and time periods. Several of these artworks were created during my artist's residency at Sachaqa Centro De Arte in San Roque de Cumbaza, Peru, where I was encouraged by myself, my hosts, and my artist contemporaries to paint with my eyes wide open. As I strive to promote conservation of nature in art Sachaqua is about environmental awareness, so we were a great fit.
In each of these artworks I endeavour to represent a species by portraying a glimpse of an individual animal or a group, as with "Skies Now Empty," and then provide a narrative that human viewers can identify and empathize with. As a visual artist, when I create a painting like "Opportunity of Vicuña" I illustrate the landscape as a stage and the animals shown as actors. I try to give a story to the different species involved, sometimes at the expense of others as with the puma hunting vicuña. In all examples I seek to provide painted artworks that help viewers with their own curiosity about nature, and promote each of us spending time exploring nature on micro and macro levels.
I am available for freelance. Can't wait for the next exciting project! Could be yours?