Patrons visiting Paradise Adventure Fun Park play mini golf, with a backdrop of this British Columbia ocean wildlife mural. The orcas and eagles in this landscape mural show some of the animals living near Parksville on Vancouver Island.
A Chinook salmon swims into the mural foreground, making eye contact with the viewer. The largest of Pacific salmon, protection has recently been offered for Chinook stocks in BC around Vancouver Island.
I painted an orca, or killer whale, charging at the viewer head first as it erupts out of the water in a giant splash. Vanvouver Island killer whales can sometimes be seen from Parksville, where this mural was painted.
An orca dives underwater into a green emerald sea, hunting bright red chinook salmon, in this BC ocean wildlife mural. While a bald eagle looks down on the painting, real bald eagles live a stone's throw from this Parksville, Vancouver Island mural.
The mural “Paradise BC” is of a BC ocean ecosystem with wildlife on land and underwater. By painting a split screen artwork above and below water, a variety of animals can be seen, including killer whales, bald eagles, sitka deer, chinook salmon, Canadian geese, an otter and a seal.
I am available for freelance. Can't wait for the next exciting project! Could be yours?