An architectural rendering for Easter Island Homes of an experimental yet practical building house design. This home incorporates a green roof as a patio, as well as screen and shades to maximize or reduce sunlight exposure as desired.
This illustration of a camp kitchen and dining area gave workforce accommodations specialist Civeo insight about what their provided dining experience would be like for remote lodge and village locations.
A digital painting for a bed and breakfast community development project I believe in. This would be the common area and restaurant; I was influenced by the National Gallery of London and old Tudor style pubs. This warm friendly atmosphere is what guests would experience in their stay.
A sketch done with markers, pencil crayons, and pencils of a flying air ship for the steam punk story "the Water Wheel." The sketch was added to with digital painting in photoshop.
I am available for freelance. Can't wait for the next exciting project! Could be yours?